Our Cleaning Process

Our Cleaning Process & Why
We use a high pressure steam extraction method. The philosophy behind this process is to ensure that we are not leaving any residue behind, ie. Our cleaning products, the soil, dust, dirt, pollen etc in and on your floors. The truck mount (machine) is mounted inside our work vehicle & powered off of the vehicles engine. There are two hoses, one is for the pressurized steam, and the other is for the suctioning. We have many different tools, wands and attachments we use to clean with.
Our clean water source comes from hooking one of our hoses up to your spicket outside. Inside our vehicle is a large waste tank, this is where all the dirty water and waste goes. This is what is coming off and out of your floors! (Ask us to show you the dirty water! You will be amazed at what was pulled from your floors) we have special and unique tools for different floor needs. Upholstery, countertops, tubs & showers, stairs etc. For the specialty stones, we use a scrubber. This machine allows us to attach various pads needed to scrub, hone, polish, buff and wax your floors.
This is the most preferred method of cleaning. Nothing is left behind! Due to the supply of heat, pressure & suction these components all work together simultaneously. This produces the most thorough cleaning, and drying time is minimal.

Portable Cleaning Machines Also Offer Great Lasting Results
This all depends on the quality of the machine being used and the appropriate cleaning products. Portable cleaning is best used for locations that are restrictive and difficult for truck mounted hoses to reach. Example high rise buildings, apartment buildings, malls, Hotels & banks etc. These places may be more difficult to reach, and may also require a more secure setting due to valuables, and sensitive materials therefore needing doors to be shut while being cleaned. We personally save our portable cleaning method for some of our commercial work.